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Displaying 1551 - 1575 of 1580 Testimonials

The Be Mindful Online course really made me realize how I react to stress and gave me valuable, easy and manageable ways to explore my feelings and reactions, and simple strategies that made a difference in day to day life. At the start, I struggled to understand my reactions to some of the exercises but as the course went on, I learnt that these reactions are common and once I had worked through that, I started to make progress and really enjoy the feeling of making progress with my approach to stressful situations.

Kathryn Allan

Mar 2011

At the start of the course I had a continual "lump in my chest" feeling, prompted by an unresolved health scare. I still have the health scare but the fear is now manageable thanks to this course. It has been invaluable to me, and I have recommended it to other people who may benefit.

Joanna Edwards

Mar 2011

I had started to read as much as I could find about Mindfulness and was fascinated by the theory. I could have just read more and more but I found this course and it helped me to actually start practicing. The course brought Mindfulness alive for me as well as helping me become more aware of myself, the people around me and the precious moments of my life. The course is simple yet powerful.
Why not give it a go?

Ruth Sandal

Mar 2011

The course content was excellent and the video/audio clips were extremely useful. The regular emails served to keep me on track and added a personal touch. The whole four week program was very well thought out and the positive effects are already apparent.

Andrew Baker

Feb 2011

I have found this online course simple to follow, I liked the control of choosing when I would do the practices and this has helped me to complete the exercises. The resources were useful and the emails with extra gems of insightfulness arrived at just the right moments. Before I started the course I had read about mindfulness and done some practice, but I discovered that I had not absorbed some of the building blocks that I have learnt in the last four weeks. I have noticed too, some positive changes in myself, my thoughts and feelings and my behavior. If you are thinking about doing this course then I recommend that you do so, you have everything to gain.

Eileen Ball

Feb 2011

I enjoyed the course and was impressed with the level of support available to me for an online course. The mindful breathing practice was particularly helpful in helping me to reduce my anxiety.

Lyndsey Girling

Feb 2011

This online mindfulness course, in my opinion, is good value for money.
The activities are straightforward and easily accessible. There is a spirit of encouragement and an accepting nature in the wording. This tone in presentation diffuses anxiety and in my case engendered trust leading to active response. I'd recommend this course to help with a range of life's ills.

Christine Hooker

Feb 2011

I signed up for the Be Mindful course because I suffer from chronic pain. At the time, I was also going through a very stressful experience. The mindful practice gave me a valuable 'space' in each day to gather myself together. I found it a very valuable tool for helping me to get through some very tough times. The course has shown me that with more practice, it will help me at all times in the future come what may. Thank you for putting together such a well thought out course that can help so many people.

Linda Brooks

Feb 2011

This web-course is very good - and very clever - the links between the website, the emails, the exercises the diary and the downloadable resources worked really well - I'd forgotten I was going away for a while and it was so nice just to pick up where I left off - no complicated hurdles to get back in. Thanks - I guess a lot of work went into making it seem so easy and simple to follow.

Anita Berlin

Feb 2011

Thank you for introducing me to a new way of thinking. Having battled chronic unhappiness for 10 years, I felt powerless and worthless. the sudden death of my father and my own internal monologue pushed me further down the abyss. I then discovered mindfulness and have not looked back. At first I was skeptical about the practices, but felt desperate enough to keep going; and they have certainly paid off. I now know I can be my own anchor in the ever changing sea of life, .its the safest and most positive I have felt in years. Thank you. I shall certainly be recommending it to everyone I now. :)

Ruth Howard

Jan 2011

I'm really going to miss this course! it's been an amazing journey - thank you! I didn't always know why I was practicing some things, but the advice given at the beginning of the course to 'just do it and see what happens' was the best advice. I really do get it now and am determined to keep the practices going. I had high hopes for the course and was worried that I was expecting too much of it (I struggle with anxiety and depression and had got stranded - being perpetually sad about the past and worrying about the future), but it really has helped me understand how I was living (or existing really) and has given me some really useful and useable tools for connecting more with everyday and noticing and changing old and unhelpful habits. I'm so grateful. thank you so much.

Lisa Parkhouse

Jan 2011

I have found this course extremely useful. Physically, I have become much more relaxed; my posture awareness has increased (the use of the word "dignified" during the sitting meditation, in tandem with the emphasis on breathing awareness, has acted as a strong trigger for me to automatically correct my posture). I now feel that I have become much more conscious of the fact that I am taking charge of my well-being, while doing so in a kind and gentle way. I found the course to be very comprehensive in its range of activities - including the reviews and questionnaire for self-assessment - and its immediate and direct application to everyday life. In order to reinforce, and maintain the good habits that I have learned from your course, I have enrolled myself on a eight-week course starting mid-September. Your course has motivated me to take this action.
I would also agree that working with someone else, or joining a group, is a great help. My daughter and I took your course together and were able to share our experiences throughout the four weeks, which will also encourage us to further discuss our progress with our personal commitment to mindful living. Thank you for your excellent presentation of Mindfulness Practice and your guidance throughout each exercise.

Martine Monceau

Jan 2011

I've taken the Be Mindful Online course partly as an investigation of its applicability as part of the stress management tools we can offer students. I have to say I've been really impressed with the course, both the content and in the online presentation format. Really good,. the practices are gentle and (for me at least) effective, even starting from a pretty unstressed outlook at the beginning. I thoroughly recommend it.

Robert Rollins

Jan 2011

I signed up for the online course after coming across it on Twitter! I had already heard about it from someone else - but it came into my awareness at a moment when I was feeling crushed by overwhelming stress in my life that had resulted in me feeling depressed and joyless. The practices seemed so simple it did not seem credible that it could make a difference - yet I immediately noticed that I was less stressed, calmer - and, most importantly, HAPPIER! I thoroughly recommend it!

Gill Cooke

Dec 2010

What a wonderful course, calm and designed for people like me - ordinary - I felt confident that I could do it and enjoyed the experience. Thank you very much.

Margaret Jacobsen

Dec 2010

I found the course really helpful as it actually voiced very accurately what I was thinking and thus made me realise that I'm not the only one who thinks the way I do. It also showed me that there are tools there to actually help me cope with the thoughts and feelings that have been stressing me so much. I hope to go on and continue to use these tools in my daily life to help me keep things in perspective and calm me.

Meryl Finch

Nov 2010

I found this course stimulating and thought-provoking. I would certainly recommend it to those who are starting to come out of the main pit of depression and who want to find an alternative route out of the maze of self-destructive thoughts.

Heather Robb

Nov 2010

I thought at first this course was nothing new, and perhaps of little substance, but decided to put negativity to one side and go with it. Whilst it is what you say an introductory course, I then found some really useful insights into managing stress and low mood which I think I will be able to use myself and also recommend to my patients. Being an 'Awareness' rather than a 'Relaxation' approach is a real breakthrough. Well worth it!


Nov 2010

I have attended mindfulness courses in the past but wasn't comfortable with the group setting and found it very difficult to practise alone. The guided meditation practices of this online course were a tremendous help in establishing regular mindfulness practice.

Lynn Dunlop

Oct 2010

I have been suffering with bi-polar for most of my life, and especially since 1978 when I was first admitted to a psychiatric hospital. I am now 62 and have been on many courses over the years but this has given me the most help and given me the most positive outlook that any have ever given me. I feel that I can take this forward into my life and that it will be a useful tool for progression. I have learnt techniques that are straight forward, and some only take a short time to relieve my stress, whereas before it would take much longer. It does however take practise and I feel that if I can keep this practise going that my life will be improved. It has already improved significantly giving me less stress and more confidence, without the feeling that I can't be in control of how I react to stressful situations. The course was well structured and the videos were excellent. I found all the exercises were easy to follow and I now feel a new confidence in going forward with my life.

Chris Harrison

Oct 2010

I have found this course extremely useful at a time in my life when my normal coping techniques were not working. I felt that everything was out of control, including me, and knew that I needed to reach out for something different to support myself. I am now on the road to recovery. I have found ways to continue my life with a new awareness and gentleness towards myself and life's events to enable a better balance. I would recommend this course to anyone who is finding life stressful.

Norma Goff

Sep 2010

I had been reading about mindfulness meditation and I got more and more interested in the benefits it could bring, so when I saw this online course I decided to go for it with no hesitation. At the end of the 4 weeks I am extremely satisfied and I can recommend it because, if done with dedication, it brings the unquestionable benefits that only practising mindfulness can bring.

Fabio Martinelli

Feb 2010

The mindful online course was fantastic! I found it really helpful in being able to learn to control my reactions (and over reactions!) to stressfulness situations, or situations that I don't feel comfortable in. I use the breathing space on a daily basis now and would be lost without it! I intend to keep practising my mindfulness further with the satisfaction that it has already benefitted me and I believe will continue to do so.


Jan 2010

I just feel so much better thinking like the tortoise and not the hare - still getting there in the end but actually having a bit more time to enjoy the journey! Thank you for giving me the map!


Jan 2010

I would recommend this course to anyone suffering from anxiety or depression, even if they have already read or listened to the works of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his fellow authors. The fact of being "accompanied" by Ed and Tessa is very valuable.

John H

Jan 2010

Displaying 1551 - 1575 of 1580 Testimonials