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Displaying 1476 - 1500 of 1580 Testimonials

This has to be the best self help journey I have been on; I came to it with some knowledge of what mindfulness is, but the opportunity to learn more and practice in a structured way made a big difference compared to when I have tried previously. The guided sessions and videos with Ed and Tessa were brilliant and the opportunity to complete the course at my own speed helped greatly. My stress score has reduced significantly and I feel much better; I can highly recommend the course and feel as if my mindfulness journey has finally really started!

Annie Lyon

Feb 2013

I have really found this course helpful and meaningful. I struggled at first to find time to practice as my head was trying to deal with too much. I slowed down and felt no pressure by Ed or Tessa and just started the second and third weeks after a short delay. I am now building some (not all) of the techniques in to my daily life and intend to continue to do so. I embarked on this course at a very difficult time suffering with panic attacks, depression and anxiety, not an ideal time, but I have benefitted enormously and it was worth keeping going as I come out the other side. I felt Ed & Tessa were really with me on this journey - a great online resource/course. Thanks you so much.


Feb 2013

Having been through several bouts of depression (managed relatively successfully but not curatively with SSRIs) I was looking for a long term solution - the black clouds were gathering once again. I felt a certain resonance in the idea of Mindfulness and, having read a couple of books and watched Jon K-Z's Google lecture (if it's good enough for them it's good enough for me) I decided to take the plunge. It's early days but I can really feel a difference, but, much, much, more than that I don't feel I've come to the end of a course (as I would a course of drugs or counselling) I feel as though I'm at the beginning of something truly unique and compelling - the discovery of me. My only advice; just 'go with it' and also; don't tell everyone you are doing it - they'll notice soon enough in a very positive way. Good luck.


Feb 2013

I could not recommend this course highly enough for anyone struggling to cope with stress or anxiety or simply feels that 'something is missing'. At no point did I question the £60 investment - it was worth every penny. What distinguishes this course is that it is practical, realistic and the activities can be embedded in every day life afterwards. Ed and Tessa's life experiences make the course feel totally authentic and genuine. In my opinion, it is the seed that through careful attention will blossom fully to create a happier, more fulfilling life. Thank you so much.

James Townsend

Dec 2012

A very good introduction to mindfulness. I liked the pace and the fact that the course waits for you if you skip a week or two - this was particularly useful for me and great that I could go back and review the previous weeks to refresh myself.

Emma Baldwin-Moore

Dec 2012

I was sceptical to begin with, as I have read were others. I had been a little stereotypical about meditation - but realise how short sighted that is. Having the courage to take the time to do the exercises has helped me in several ways, I've not been good at putting myself first, This was probably the hardest bit - overcoming that, made the exercises not only "easy" but useful. It's helped me see the bigger picture often and get things back to a manageable perspective - sometimes even to the extent that they are no longer issues. Ofcourse there's things I cant control - I'm finding where that would often bother/anger/stress me, I can cope with it better. I looked forward to each weeks assignments and I have recommended this to several friends and my GP!.


Dec 2012

My reasons for trying this course was that I seemed to be spending much of my day with my head in the past or future, going over reasons why, or attempting to anticipate the future. I was not really living in the present and it showed itself in a feeling of living with a thick grey cloud surrounding me and through which I could see, but not feel, the world. I was losing large sections of every day to these ruminations. That awareness was already there well before this course, but I had no tools to deal with it, as having the awareness only propelled me further into the grey zone. Although my stress levels haven't changed at all, I feel I have learnt a lot from this course. It has shown me just how much I am missing whenever my head jumps on that same old train again. I have a lot to learn still but I now have some tools to at least slow the train down for a bit so I can get off it. Maybe with time I will learn not to get on it in the first place. This has been a great course and I'd thoroughly recommend it to anyone.


Dec 2012

I really enjoyed the approach to the course and immediately felt it was beneficial in my everyday life. As a nurse with management responsibilities for a large group of staff and patients I think it is an invaluable tool for reflection and forward planning in a busy world.

Theresa Swan

Nov 2012

The 'Be Mindful Online' course was a complete revelation to me, and I don't think it is an exaggeration to say it has changed my life. I feel confident that it will continue to be an immense support to me over the coming years. I am also keen to be an advocate for Mindfulness in my professional life.

Alex Nicholson

Oct 2012

I have enjoyed doing this course very much. Ed and Tessa seem like warm people and I was keen to listen to their words and to practice the proposed exercises. The course has opened my eyes in many ways and I am more than thankful for this. My intentions to continue on the path of mindfulness are strong. Congratulations on such wonderful work and I do hope you reach many more!


Oct 2012

This has been a great course and I have picked up some really useful ideas regarding how to practice mindfulness. The pace of the course was just right and I like the fact that I can download the information for future use. The presenters were excellent - they had the right mix of professionalism and friendliness. I would definitely recommend this course to others.


Oct 2012

I really enjoyed this course. The regular e-mails really helped me to keep on track and I saw some real benefits in how I was feeling. It was very gentle and supportive, I would highly recommend this course to others.

Sara Force

Oct 2012

I am really pleased I made the effort to start the course. Initially it felt like just one more thing to do, and it took me about double the minimum time to complete as, particularly at the beginning it was so hard to find the time to log on but... I have made such positve improvements and have some really good strategies to keep me away from that aweful panicky edge and to take time out when I need to so I can re-group and re-focus. Great life skills.

Suzanne Roberts

Sep 2012

I felt really guided through this course to understand and to develop practices for personal mindfulness and to experience the potential for a method to change my obsessive negative thinking and my being overwhelmed by anxiety. I would like to thank the Team behink this ingenious course. I would like to thank Tessa and Ed for their personal explanations and sharing their experiences. I felt really accompaniedby them over these weeks and it made such a difference. A big thank you.

Mary Stoddart

Aug 2012

I am so glad I came across this course, the techniques taught are simple and yet so beneficial. I really enjoy practising being mindful, thank you for such a wonderful tool.

Sharon J Ellis

Aug 2012

I would have no hesitation in recommending Be Mindful Online to anyone who feels that they are struggling a little with something in their life, and looking for a way of reconnecting with the world and regaining a sense of perspective. The purpose behind each of the practices is made clear, the practices themselves are properly explained and easy to follow, and it is relatively easy to fit them into even a busy day. The fact that you can take as long as you like to complete the course is a useful safety net, but I found that the discipline of trying to make sure I did my practices every day was helpful in terms of making me focus. Tessa and Ed's video and audio contributions are immensely helpful, kind and sympathetic, and help you to feel included and nurtured. There were changes in my situation over the 5 weeks that I worked on the course that had an impact on my own stress situation, but I can definitely say that mindfulness practice also had an impact over that period. All of the exercises, no matter how long or short, helped me to feel calmer and more centred, better equipped to move forward, with greater awareness and sense of perspective. I could not have asked for more than that!

Gordon Hodge

Jul 2012

This course is probably one of the most important things I have done for my life so far. It has given me a solid foundation for carrying on and living life the way I want it and not as it is dictated by anxiety.

Emmet O' Sullivan

Jul 2012

Found it really amazing how much information we filter out to get by. Being mindful and focusing on the moment was such a great thing! And worthwhile doing the course to learn different techniques!

Pauline Wood

Jul 2012

What a wonderful course - thank you. So glad I tried it, it has helped me already and I hope will go on doing so as I continue practising. What I appreciate the most is the emphasis on how to make the mindfulness practice a part of your daily life and ways to go forward even after finishing this course. I will definitely be recommending this course to friends, family and colleagues!


Jul 2012

I have found that being mindful has helped me to focus on the present moment and often enjoy it more. Worry and negative thinking seem to have halved and I have become more aware of when my mind is running away with me! So I feel I may have learned a little bit more control. Thank you "mindfulness people".

Carol Holt

Jun 2012

I found lots of the ideas and suggestions on the course to be extremely helpful, and feel confident that it will help me to stay less anxious in the future.

Ingrid Oliver

Jun 2012

It's important to stick with this course as it does not represent a quick fix. At one point at the end of week three during a tough day I spent a quality 20 minutes practising the techniques and my day was transformed for the better. The course has really shown me how effective mindfulness techniques can be. I feel genuinely sad to be leaving the course but the point is to see this as a start whereby I can continue the practises and make them a part of every day life. Thank you.


May 2012

Although I took quite a long break from the course and did it in stages, I have still felt the benefits of the course. I am more aware of the important things in my life and I have found that being more present and mindful has helped me to achieve higher quality outcomes at work without allowing myself to reach burnout.

Laura Windle

Apr 2012

Really found this useful - was very suprised at how much I did on autopilot! A well presented and straightforward course.


Apr 2012

Thank you for this course, it has helped me a lot. My wife has noticed the difference in my general attitude to life. I took the course at a very difficult time for me, soon after spinal surgery, and it has helped me cope with my outlook on the future.

Hedley Pullin

Apr 2012

Displaying 1476 - 1500 of 1580 Testimonials