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Displaying 1451 - 1475 of 1580 Testimonials

This has been a very valuable experience for me, helping raise my awareness about how I deal with stress (often negatively) and how I can approach things more positively. Concentrating on breathing, mindful experience, focusing on nurturing and depleting approaches to stress- all very helpful.

Carolyn Cunningham

Aug 2013

The course is a must for everyone, I have learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it and am looking forward to practising it in my day to day life. I have downloaded the exercises on to my Iphone and Ipad so will always have them with me, for commuting, quiet time in the office or when I go away. Just the phrase 'thoughts aren't facts' helped me! as the amount of time I used to waste on thoughts was ridiculous. Feel calmer and more relaxed just in 5 weeks and my stress score was reduced to 11. Also bought the book 'Journey into Mindfulness' which I'd recommend. Thank you! best thing I have done.


Aug 2013

I found the course clear and well presented. The support was the most valuable aspect for me, I felt like I had a friend to practice mindfulness with so when I was tired or not very motivated I could use the meditation commentaries that I had downloaded. The best use of my computer so far! I was genuinely surprised that some stressful situations at work didn't provoke the anger that they usually do and I could deal with things more calmly.


Aug 2013

I was very sceptical about how much this course would do for me, but I have really enjoyed the course and the benefits along the way. I was delighted with my score at the end having reduced my stress levels by half, and the benefits it will provide for the future. I look on things completely differently. I also discovered a trait about myself which I have now followed up and discovered even more about myself. It has been worth every pound spent.


Aug 2013

I found this course just when I felt I would not be able to go on with my life after losing the person who was closest to me. I was desperately looking for answers and for a way out of my depression. I cannot say the course has healed me but I took my time to complete it in 8 weeks and the least it has done for me has been to help me hold on to life by taking one day at a time, not feeling pressured to make decisions or to take action but just be. It has given me valuable tools I can rely on to get me through a day, a week, a month and hopefully the rest of my life.

Serif Tuncel

Jul 2013

I had previously tried attending a face-to-face mindfulness course but felt very self-conscious and as a consequence struggled to be mindful! This online course has helped me to practice mindfulness in an environment which feels much more natural, and at a time and place which is convenient for me. Now that I have a greater understanding of what mindfulness is all about, and what benefits it can bring, I'm more inclined to go back to the face-to-face group and not feel as self-conscious about it!

Kevin Hewitt

Jul 2013

I started this course because I constantly had feelings of anxiety. I felt tired and disliked how these feelings were affecting my life. This course has been fantastic! I fully intend to use the skills and techniques I have learned to actually change my life for the better.


Jul 2013

Wow, a score or 14/40 four weeks ago has reduced to 5/40 at the end of the course. Clearly the course has been very beneficial. This has given me real hope that my longstanding problems can be resolved. Thank you.

Aidan Whelan

Jul 2013

Interesting and enjoyable course and not time consuming. Suitable for anyone. The very least anyone must take away is an awareness of how much of our lives we live on auto pilot. And that alone is a wake up call.

Maura Mackinnon

Jul 2013

It was an excellent course and has helped me no end . I recommend this to anyone as we all get stressed sometimes

Dr Anne Hayden

Jun 2013

I have found the course very helpful. It taught me ways which have improved the quality of my life. And I know, that if I maintain the practises taught in this 4 week course then thsse improvements will continue. The four weeks of the course has given me the tools and I am grateful for that. If you often feel a bit uptight, worrying needlessly, too tense I recommend tjhis course to you.


May 2013

This has been a wonderful 4 week journey which has enabled me to regain my life. Not only have I benefited but so has my family!


May 2013

I very much enjoyed the online mindfuness course with what felt like the support of two new friends along the way. I will most certainly be in need of and using the tools I have learned in the coming weeks as I now have a diagnosis of breast cancer and upcoming surgery to cope with. Already I feel that the practices have helped me a lot to undergo the tests and attend the results/planning appointments. In spite of all this, I was amazed to see that my score on the stress test has improved! Thank you Ed, Tess and the technical support team.


May 2013

Beginning this course is akin to starting an long trek into unknown wilderness. You have only the vaguest of ideas what to expect and rely totally on your guide. But - by the end of the course you have discovered things, witnessed things, changed many things - your journey becomes less goal orientated and more about spending time with the wonders you encounter. You develop skills and slowly become part of the world you once sought only to skim through as an observer. This course is transformative and the most wonderful thing about it, is that it does not change us - we change ourselves.

Elaine Fogarty

May 2013

This course has helped me immeasurably, I'm sorry it's come to an end. I have incorporated the key principles in my life, from the sitting meditation to the breathing space. It has enabled me to move toward finding an inner calm, to controlling negative thoughts and providing some relief from anxiety. I will definitely continue to incorporate mindfulness into my life as a whole.


Apr 2013

I have found the 'Be Mindful Online' course very interesting and rewarding. I feel that it is the start of a new chapter in my life. I am now not so irritable, unsociable and pessimistic as I used to be. I now view the future in a much more positive light, one in which I have much more freedom, control and happiness. I will definitely continue the practice of mindfulness in my life.


Apr 2013

A very well structured course which guides you through the basics. Regular e-mails helped me to keep my motivation up and to practice more regularly. In a few weeks this course has enabled me to become more grateful for the little things in my life.


Apr 2013

I was suggested this by a friend. Well worth every penny I have enjoyed doing the course. It as really helped me.

Sandra Bridge

Mar 2013

I really enjoyed this course. Currently, I enjoy good mental health and I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how to slow down and to appreciate life a bit more. I am determined to keep up my meditation practice, as ultimately, it makes me a happier person. I also now have skills to deal with stress and anxiety, should it arise in the future. In my opinion, everyone could benefit from this course! 


Mar 2013

The course has really helped me with negative internal dialogue and made me focus on my wellbeing. I am not clinically depressed or on medication but I know I am prone to being a bit down quite regularly. This was difficult to admit to myself for some reason. The course kindly guides us to being gentle and honest with ourselves about how we feel.


Mar 2013

I really enjoyed the course. It is well-organised and supportive but always respectful and offers suggestions rather than telling you what to do. I have found the tools straightforward and have incorporated them into my mental health "toolkit" and meditation practice. I have a chronic fatigue illness, and mindfulness is helping me cope with that and get in touch with my (English man) feelings!

Roger Simmons

Feb 2013

Dear Be Mindful Online Team Thank you for the privilage of letting me take this course this year. It has been a very awesome journey for me. I will keep practising everyday on maintaining my motivation, planning my practice, being kind to myself, and being mindful in my daily life. I feel alot more confident about myself and aware of maintaining my anxiety much better now. Thank you for all your support you have done for me in the past five weeks of the course.

Curtis Hall

Feb 2013

This was a good course and I learned a great deal. I now feel calmer and better able to deal with the stresses and irritations of everyday life, it has helped me to regain my concentration and my enjoyment of day to day activities.


Feb 2013

This has helped me more than I would have thought possible. I'm still not quite sure how it works, but I will certainly continue to practice. I have already recommended it to someone suffering from anxiety and depression and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others. This has to be a better option that Prozac!


Feb 2013

I think that this is a brilliant and helpful course, and despite being on line I have felt very supported throughout. I would love to redo the whole thing just so that I can really embed it in my mind. I have already recommended this course to a friend and will do so more.


Feb 2013

Displaying 1451 - 1475 of 1580 Testimonials