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Displaying 1426 - 1450 of 1580 Testimonials

Because I suffer from a pain condition which limits my mobility I was very happy when I found an online option to do something I really believe in and that has helped me enormously. The way the course was planned was easy to follow and to stick to with all the audio and other resources provided.

Andrea Anguera

Nov 2013

I was a wreck before I started the course. Becoming mindful helped me to cope with all the stresses of daily life and I now feel like a different person. I know I have more to do and realise this is something I have to do for the rest of my life.

Fran Hobson

Nov 2013

I have enjoyed the course with Ed and Tess who were there every step of the way to give helpful hints and tips and clear explanations of the importance of Being Mindful. I will keep with the programme from now on and have already considered the benefits to me and I have reported these to my neurologist who has commended it and the course directors.

Michael Hickman

Nov 2013

I'd been practising mindfulness techniques in a fairly haphazard and unfocused way prior to starting the course. The structure that the course provides gave me the additional incentive to practice more regularly and thus I felt the benefits more readily. The opportunities for reflection are useful tools for staying engaged. This in turn allowed me the space to adapt mindfulness practice to a range of situations I hadn't previously considered, such as driving, shopping, doing homework with kids. I've found that my worries, doubts, fears, etc shrink to manageable proportions when I practise regularly. This gives me the space to breathe and think. If you're wondering whether to part with £60 to do this course I'd say only one thing: it could save your sense of self-worth, your relationship, and possibly even your life, and those things are worth a lot more. Thanks.

Steve Ryan

Nov 2013

Sceptical to start with, stuck with it, use the techniques and gain the benefit, cant stop telling everyone how good the course has been for me. Thank you.

Rhona Gardiner

Nov 2013

I found the Be Mindful Online course helpful and beneficial and was quite sad when it finished and the virtual Tessa and Ed said goodbye. I am looking forward to carrying on the good work.


Nov 2013

I have gained so much from this course. I never realised how much of my time I spent stressing and worrying! my life was passing me by! I am so much more relaxed and best of all I look at the world differently and appreciate things a lot more. Was one of the best things I have ever done.


Nov 2013

Really goes at a manageable pace, not adding extra duties to your day. Easy to follow instructions, what a help.


Nov 2013

I enjoyed the experience of doing this course, from both a personal and professional perspective. I have a much deeper understanding of Mindfulness. I found that applying these principles in my daily life had a positive and pervasive effect. I look forward to practising being mindful.

Lana Selby

Nov 2013

Just after starting this course my father died and I had to postpone as I had so much going on, however the support team were understanding and helpful and enabled me to pick it up at a later date. Tess and Ed have given me very important life messages and tips on how to reduce stress and negative thinking that I wish I had known about years ago. Thank you, this has been a life changing experience.

Elaine Deehan

Oct 2013

I would say that this is probably the best £60 I've ever spent and really a small monetary investment for the lifetime benefit and investing in better mental health is like washing my mind every day just as I would wash my body.

Karen Newell

Oct 2013

This course has been really helpful, I found it very practical and appreciate the way it encourages you to be kind and gentle with yourself - I tend to be very hard on myself, so I am trying not to be. I need to keep practising the techniques and meditations so that they become completely second nature, but this is already starting to happen and I've learned some really helpful responses to stressful situations, rather than just getting trapped in stress. Thank you.


Oct 2013

This course made me stop and think about me and ways in which staying calm would help me help those around me. I have a long way to go - but do feel that I have started to make mindfulness a part of my coping strategies.

Helen Trayers

Oct 2013

A really simple but effective online course, which works seamlessly. Each video and resource is deeply thought through to help keep interest and motivation. The activities are also interesting and fun, and whilst you are encouraged to do the course within the four weeks, there is no pressure to do so, and so it can easily be completed when you have the time.

Snakey Kelly

Oct 2013

I was recommended to do this course by my GP. I had just crashed at work, burnt out, over-stretched and over-stressed. Coudln't stop crying after a meeting that though difficult, was nothing that should have caused such a reaction. I was a little sceptical at first (listening to a raisin?) and didn't really see how this would help me deal with work. However, the more I carried on with the course, the more I saw how mindfulness practices could help me deal with stresses and strains and help me change habits and approaches at work and life in general that I had fallen into that weren't helpful. It was a surprise to realise how little I looked after myself, how everyhting had turned into a chore to be done. No wonder i stressed out. At the start of the course my stress score was 32/40, at the end, 16/40. Part of that improvement may be just not being at work. However, I think the course has really helped no end, and given me some tools to deal with life and work and started me on a new road. It's not always easy, but don't give up!


Oct 2013

Doing this online mindfulness course alongside talking therapy are the best things I've ever done for myself. Everybody would benefit from learning mindfulness but I was sceptic about taking a course online. But this online course is really well thought trough and executed. It is clear and simple but feels personal and tender too.

Christina Borreschmidt

Oct 2013

Excellent. I have never been able to engage 'properly' with meditation before but have always known that my brain needs slowing down and calming. More recently I've been diagnosed with CFS/ME and attend a specialist Fatigue Clinic. This was what led me to look around on the internet and discover this course. Since starting it I took a look at another online course and attended a taster in my local area; neither, sadly, were anywhere as good as this course has been - it is so well explained, so compassionately presented without being in any way patronizing, and I really found it so helpful to be reminded that we're not striving for some kind of perfection. So thank you. Together with the insights and help I get from my fatigue specialists, you have helped me transform my life within only two months - from a time when I had a normally-functioning day with good energy about once every two months to now, when I perhaps have a slow, tired day once a week but otherwise have found how to break up my day and, through mindfulness, just come back down to earth, quieten all the unnecessary noise in my head and actually enjoy some really simple things in my daily life. It has been incredibly positive. Thank you.

Rupert Waddington

Oct 2013

I can honestly say that doing the Be Mindful Online Course has changed my life!! I have gained a whole new perspective into how i deal with stressful situations especially, but have also gained a more peaceful persona. Thankyou so very much. I am recomending this to friends and family, it's the best £60 i have spent in a long time. Well worth every penny!


Sep 2013

Yes i got a lot out of this course. I did know about mindfulness before but never had consolidated it into my daily life. An online course was perfect for me to do it very regularly at times that suited me.

Sue Pearl

Sep 2013

Initially I was getting stressed that I wasn't finding the time to be mindul, but having completed the course I have understood how to incorporate it in to my everyday life and found it had a massive impact this week when I faced a particularly stressful situation. Usually I would have spiralled into an anxious mess, but the 3 minute breathing space brought me back and I was able to move on. This left me inspired as I believe I have finally found something that works.


Sep 2013

I remained skeptical about this course, even when I was in the middle of it, and was unwilling to recommend it wholeheartedly until I 'd completed the four week session or I'd begun to feel any tangible benefit. Having completed the course, however, I now feel that I can definitely recommend these exercises to people who suffer from stress, anxiety, depression and some of the effects of bipolarity on a regular basis. It will work if you put the work in, and you will start to really enjoy the simple things in life, gain greater control over your emotions, and find yourself bouncing back quicker from disappointments and difficulties.

Jon Lawton

Sep 2013

Be Mindful Online is an excellent programme. It is easy to follow and puts the individual at the heart of the process. Mindfulness gives you permission to discover and to take time and care of yourself in an increasingly demanding world. Maureen


Sep 2013

This was a very valuable experience and I have seen real benefits from undertaking this course. I feel I'm at the beginning of a journey that will be beneficial to me and those around me.

Elinor Steel

Sep 2013

A very useful, practical course that gives an excellent route into developing the skills of mindfulness that appear so simple but in reality are the hardest skills to incorporate into one's everyday life. I have found this course so helpful and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone - in fact - I already have! Thank you!

Gillian Hammond

Aug 2013

some really good tips and resources to use, however its all about practising, the more you put in the more you will get out of it. mindfulness can definitely help to calm down and become aware and ease stresses.


Aug 2013

Displaying 1426 - 1450 of 1580 Testimonials