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Displaying 1351 - 1375 of 1580 Testimonials

I found the course very helpful, particularly the system of reminders and prompts to continue from one week to the next. There was a good range of exercises to choose from, most of which I liked and will do in the future. I feel better equipped to cope with some of the challenges that lie ahead of me, but recognise that I am still a beginner. Many thanks, John

John Rowson

May 2014

I found mindfulness at a time in my life where I felt controlled by my feelings and experiences and putting myself under undue stress causing myself anxiety and worry... Mindfulness practice has transformed my life, being something I chose to do, and found time to focus on has been powerful - but the practices themselves are so easily woven into daily life that they begin to make a real difference to your capacity to cope with stress. I found through the course I was able to half my stress levels on the test - which is something I am so proud of... watch the taster, understand the background and read some testimonials but if you're curious it's worth jumping in and finding yourself.

James Hilton

May 2014

Mindfulness has opened a new window in life for me, it is a new tool that I now have at my disposal to enable me to be the person I would want to be, get the most out of each day and enjoy life.

Jan Hardy

May 2014

I am glad I took this course. It wasn't my first mindfulness course but I felt that I needed to keep on learning and practising it. I particularly enjoyed the guided meditations, which I've saved to my MP3 player and constantly refer to.

Ana Buede-Fletcher

May 2014

This course has helped me so much. I has opened up a pathway for me to develop a different way of coping and made me feel good about the fact that I had naturally been using some of the practices in my life already.

Susan Hicks

May 2014

I found this course extremely has enabled me to think about aspects of my life (that I felt were very fixed and rigid), in a more open and honest manner without beating myself up over them.

Armin Luthi

May 2014

Fantastically useful course - helped deal with the first experience of anxiety in my life (at 51!), following a period of illlness, financial problems and family issues all arising at once. Stress levels went from 29/40 pre-course to a third of this, afterwards.


May 2014

I think the course has been very helpful. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue earlier in the year. I have had a few months off work and have had help from a CBT therapist (to help me to feel less anxious) and I have also completed this course. I am feeling a great deal better now and less stressed and anxious than I have for a while.


May 2014

I Loved the course - clearly explained and presented - thank you for helping me get back in touch and back in the drivers seat. It is so easy to let stress build and accumulate and look for distraction rather than doing something healthy about it...

Paul Rathbone

May 2014

Thank you a very useful and well paced course.

Paul Willoughby

May 2014

This course has been very helpful and interesting. The range of exercises with audio accompaniment as well as the guidance from the midweek sessions really helped me to remain motivated. Be Mindful Online has given me an invaluable insight into what is means to be mindful and has allowed me to develop better ways to manage anxiety and lead a happier life.

Natalie Ferris

May 2014

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this course. Its a life changing course and Its motivated me to take the mindfulness to as many people as possible.

Satee Bhave Hall

May 2014

The course gave me some new momentum to continue with efforts at mindfulness practice, which I had begun trying about five years ago. It is a manageable commitment level, yet enough to motivate to continue. For those who have previously read the Kabat-Zinn reference on mindfulness practice, this is recognizable as a more manageable introductory program that includes the core of his 8 week program.

Georgia Lloyd

May 2014

The course gave me some very simple messages and techniques which are easy to adopt in my daily life. These were helpful in increasing my self awareness and reducing my stress levels and I will definitely use some of them regularly in future.

Monique Smith

May 2014

I really enjoyed the course, it was easy to follow and it took you through the process step by step. I now feel more focused, less stressed and more able to detect the early signs of stress in my body, enabling me to do something about it before it becomes overwhelming. Thanks so much guys! Lizzy

Elizabeth Fletcher

May 2014

I really enjoyed the course, it was easy to follow and it took you through the process step by step. I now feel more focused, less stressed and more able to detect the early signs of stress in my body, enabling me to do something about it before it becomes overwhelming. Thanks so much guys!


May 2014

This course is really useful in starting to become mindful. It is user friendly and I particularly like the 3 minute breathing space as a way of starting to become aware of stress and react to it in a more useful way.

Katie Robinson

Apr 2014

I found the course really helpful, although the discipline to practise everyday did not come easily to me and I had a week's break in the middle. I was amazed at the decrease in my stress score at the end. Janet

Janet White

Apr 2014

The course is easy to fit into your daily life. The practices taught throughout the course really work. I have enjoyed it thoroughly and hope to extend my knowledge of mindfullness in the future

Fiona McIver

Apr 2014

I found the course excellent. By practising mindful breathing and sitting meditation, I was able to find some inner peace and to create some space between me and the negative thoughts and irrational fear. Thank you for emphasising that ‘thoughts are not facts’. They are indeed like movie flicks, that I must not try to jump in and participate, however fearful the thoughts may be. Thoughts look real but they are not. The 3 minutes breathing space is very useful too. I now try to ‘welcome’ and ‘feel’ the fearful and panic symptoms, then breath into the symptoms. They naturally melt away with ease!

BMCY Billericay, Essex

Apr 2014

I was a little dubious both about the possible impact of an online course such as this and also my commitment to completing it. To my own surprise, I've enjoyed the assignments and felt definite benefits. I'm not claiming it is a cure-all but the activities have certainly helped me feel calmer and more positive. I fully intend to continue my mindful activities and plan to explore more fully the benefits of meditation. I am so glad I took part.

Tina Henderson

Apr 2014

I'm so glad I did this course. It has given me some really helpful tools to cope with my anxiety and depression. I do feel much more able to deal with things in just 4 weeks. I know I'll have good and bad days but I genuinely feel more prepared for the bad ones now. It's helped me feel more kind towards myself too and helped me understand how I react to stress. The support is excellent too - thank you to all involved.


Apr 2014

I found the Be Mindful Online programme excellent with very good and practical steps one can take to ensure that stress levels and anxiety is controlled with techniques to help the individual manage these feelings also, being mindful and aware of oneself in such situations.

Jacqueline Hinds

Apr 2014

I was in constant start of anxiety and on anti depressants but the Be Mindful course has made a tremendous difference to my life. I am now able to step back and take a breathing space and think more deeply into my thoughts.


Apr 2014

Be Mindful Online has opened up space in my mind to be more appreciative of the life I have to live now. It has helped me stop dwelling on what might be and analysing negative things that have happened in the past. I feel lighter and freer. I really like the online format and the flexibility to join in when able as little or as much as I like without guilt.

Alison Finall

Apr 2014

Displaying 1351 - 1375 of 1580 Testimonials