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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1580 Testimonials

This program has been instrumental in my daily mindfulness practice. Ed, Tessa and the Be Mindful Team have done a wonderful job creating interesting, engaging material and an easily navigable website. I'm extremely grateful to have found the site. Thank you all.


Feb 2024

This is a very grounded, honest and straight forward programme. You are given information, achievable exercises to follow and encouragement by 2 empathetic course leaders. There is lifetime access to the programme, the exercises are downloadable and you can re-visit when needed. Since following this programme my stress levels are lower and my well being increased. I can happily recommend this course.


Feb 2024

Thank you all This course has given me brilliant resources that I listen too at night before bed to help me relax and be mindful and kind to myself regardless of my personal pressures of the day I find doing that then helps me wake the next day in a better mind set from a good sleep


Jan 2024

This was a very well planned course and easy to follow and fit in with my everyday life.


Dec 2023

When I initially started, a few years ago, I was too full of stress to complete it. Life has Since sent me reality checks and I am very grateful you renewed the invitation recently to complete. It was timely. Thank you.


Dec 2023

This has made me think more about how I cope with what's thrown at me in a day to day basis


Dec 2023


Nov 2023

The Be Mindful course has definitely helped me to manage stress better and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. It’s been very helpful to have the structure of the course to help me keep going and develop new habits. Amazing that it is available for free!


Nov 2023

According to my experience with mindful program it has really helped me and for now I have overcome a lot of stress and I can really advice others to practice the same.


Nov 2023

Keep going, bear with the programme. When you first start this, specially the raisin scenario, you feel awkward and thoughts like, what on earth is this come to mind.... but persevere, relax, enjoy, switch off - maybe, like me, you don't like sitting so lay down for the breathing and meditation sessions I did and they REALLY help. They make you switch off and its in this time you realise that it's not selfish to take time for you, its not selfish to think I need a minute or two to step back and breathe. Doing this has helped me immensely and after the four weeks I am naturally more mindful, I can see that in giving myself some time to think about me and what is in my life, giving something to myself helps me be better for everyone in my life. I appreciate everything (as I did before) but with a little added smile and a bit more of a spring in my steps. I am mindful of my tone of voice and when I hear myself turning into a crazy mouse, I tell myself - take a minute, breathe, restart the conversation / question to an answer again in your normal tone. I've found a little explanation of "I'm sorry, I'm a little stressed let me start that again" brings a reaction from people of understanding and support and has improved working relations and some conversations with friends and family. It really does help to be mindful and this course really helps that come more naturally and gives you more awareness of yourself. Good Luck.


Nov 2023

I am so glad I embarked on this course. It is fabulous that you can also go at your own pace when life becomes busy and I love the way you're supported throughout it and encouraged. The presenters hit precisely the correct note and I'm impressed how the technology has been utilised to ensure you're kept on board, encouraged to keep on with the course, but without feeling pressured in any way. Mindfulness indeed! I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed or stressed. As I was. The course doesn't profess to provide a cure but aims to equip you with the tools to enable you to manage your life in a better and more mindful way. Provided you put the effort in, of course!


Nov 2023

Loved absolutely everything about this course! The practice exercises were incredibly helpful and the pre-recorded videos made it convenient to watch at any time. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to improve their mental well-being.


Oct 2023


Oct 2023

I came across a social media post inviting participation in a mindfulness research project that piqued my interest. Little did I know that this decision would lead me to embark on a profoundly transformative journey. From the very first day of the course, I noticed significant changes in my life. The mindfulness practices taught have equipped me with the ability to maintain composure in the face of stressful situations. I have actively incorporated various mindfulness activities into my daily routine, and the results have been truly remarkable. Most notably, this course has had a profound impact on my sleep quality, and it has considerably reduced my daily stress levels and reactivity to external stimuli. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Tessa, Ed, and the entire Mindfulness team for their guidance and support throughout this course. I am also immensely thankful to Francesco for providing me with the opportunity to be part of this life-changing experience.


Oct 2023

When i started on the Be Mindful programme. I wasn't sure how much i would gain from it. But i'm glad to say that it has been an amazing experience. Like anything new we do you need to put the work in and that in it's is hard to do. I found some of exercises easy to do but also found some i needed to work on and practice more. I believe this programme can and will help anyone. Weather they are struggling with depression and anxiety or if they just want to be more mindful about themselves. Some of the practices i will definitely bring into my daily life. Without doubt i would recommend Be Mind Programme to anyone.


Oct 2023

Really enjoyed the insite into my own brain and how anxiety affects my everyday life . Also how mindfulness helps me feel empowered.


Sep 2023

Well thought out plan with consistency. Able to go at your own pace. Easy to login and see where you left off and go back to previous items in library.


Sep 2023


Sep 2023


Sep 2023

These mindful weeks have helped me through a difficult time. Now, on a daily basis, amidst chaos and hectic, I switch off, sitting with my hands on my knees, just breathing, just being :-)


Sep 2023

Great programm and definitely helped. Great that you can use it again when necessary!


Aug 2023


Aug 2023


Aug 2023

I found this Mindfulness Program to be really helpful. The audio clips are a constructive and convenient tool to help you practise the Mindfulness skills you can use in every day life. Taking time to be more present in my daily life has significantly reduced my stress.


Aug 2023

I'm in a highly stressful role, continually spinning plates until 1 dropped off and then everything started to tumble. Whilst my anxiety, stress levels and depression have not dropped over the time I've been on the course I've now got additional tools to use to help me move forward. This is the start of a new journey and I've been grateful for the online support....thank you.


Aug 2023

Displaying 26 - 50 of 1580 Testimonials