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Displaying 1401 - 1425 of 1580 Testimonials

I was really surprised when I did my stress test, both at the before and after. I didn't feel hugely stressed when I started (21 out of 40), but was really pleased with a score of 4 when I finished! I really had an impact, and one I am sharing with other people.

Dawn Eastmead

Mar 2014

I have found it to be a very gentle and helpful introduction to mindfulness and am sorry it is over. I would like to explore other opportunities to practice mindfulness alone and with others. I am glad I can still access the library etc on this website.

Hilary Woodward

Mar 2014

I have found the whole concept of Being Mindful extremely beneficial and feel I can enjoy life again despite the world and work being so pressured and fast-paced. I always wondered why I always seemed to be rushing and doing more and more and worried that I'd never be able to appreciate the simple things in life again - now I can! The online course felt daunting at first simply because I found using unfamiliar technology stressful and the way I was feeling meant I panicked because I didn't feel I had the 'headspace' to be able to take in instructions- however, the presenters put me at ease, the course was easy to navigate around and you couldn't miss things even if you didn't stick rigidly to the plan. You need to put the effort in to complete the course as directed to get the best from it. Thank you so much. This course would benefit so many people that I know.

Louise Micklethwaite

Mar 2014

The course was clear, concise and backed up with useful e-mail prompts when I was lagging behind on occasions. There is also a bank of resources made available for post-course use. Ed and Tessa, the on-line tutors, were reassuring as well as being realistic in stating that proficiency in mindfulness needs regular practice - there are no quick fixes.

Steve Smith

Mar 2014

I think that learning mindfulness is more difficult if one is a bit of a procrastinator - which I have become (maybe always was?) But with practice, I look forward to getting the benefits, I look forward to being mindful. The course has helped me to get back into the discipline of daily meditation, I meditated daily for about 15 years, and it was very good for me, helped me through difficult times and helped me to be more centred and balanced. I feel that I am getting it back now, so I'm motivated.

Nick Lapham

Feb 2014

I have been a follower of Jon Kabat-Zinn's work for many years and have a collection of his books and cds. This online course has been an excellent format to revisit the mindfulness path and offers so many different new ways to do this. I have really appreciated this experience. Many thanks!!!

Maria Flood

Feb 2014

I think this is a very well structured course that makes realistic demands on your time. The videos and downloads are great and the tips and emails are very useful too. It does help but you have to be prepared to invest the time.

Marysia Nash

Feb 2014

I found the course really helpful - it reduced my stress levels significantly, I didn't think it would be possible in such a short space of time! It led me to notice and make changes to unhelpful habits and patterns that I had been stuck in for a long time. Very effective. Thank you!

Naomi Hastilow

Feb 2014

A simple to use, easy to understand, well structured course.

Micheline Foss

Feb 2014

Kerry L Mess

Feb 2014

I found this course very helpful. Although I have had some experience with meditation before, it introduced some new ideas and ways to practise mindfulness which I had not come across before. The only problem I had was finding the time to do the exercises every day. Ralph


Feb 2014

Excellent course. Great introduction to mindfulness and a real find for those who can't easily access a mindful course near by or fit it into their daily schedule... as this can be done at any time. As a GP I have found this extremely beneficial for both myself and patients. We could all do with having these techniques on board in this busy life. Though expensive, it equates to a couple of nights out and yet will provide much greater benefits! Highly recommend it.


Feb 2014

I have found the course to be a great source of support while working through issues that have arisen over a couple of years. I have only really started on the path of mindfulness and the course provided a perfect orientation.

Susan Kilbride

Feb 2014

I have found the course very useful at all times but especially when one is feeling under par. The exercises are quite easy and bring peace to your world. I hope that in my case continued practice will help me with my depression in the long term.


Feb 2014

I have found the course really helpful and would rate it highly. In one month I have definitely felt a difference in my mind set. Obviously it is a working progress and the change has not been huge but I now feel in a better position to deal with stressful situations and anxiety. I feel that with continued practice, I will achieve my original goals and become calmer, less stressed and happier in general.

Ben Karniely

Feb 2014

I found the course easy to fit into my life around work and personal demands. It was interesting to look at Mindfulness from a different perspective having already learnt Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention for my job.

Sian Edwards

Feb 2014

I have really enjoyed my Be mindful Journey and it has helped through some recent tough times. Though I still have some down days, by using some of the positive approaches and breathing exercises, I feel so much more at peace and able to think in a more positive way about myself and life itself. Thank You.

Sarah Grant

Jan 2014

A wise man once told me to "Let love into your life". After the Be Mindful Online course, I feel inspired to let mindfulness into my life.


Jan 2014

It is very reassuring to do the course and results can be immediate after the practice. The course is a great taster to the benefits of taking time out every day to foster a greater sense of self-awareness in order to attune to a more balanced state of being and equilibrium. The tool of the three-minute breathing space is useful to practice on the tube and other external everyday stressful situations. I would definitely recommend this intro course to anyone who is looking for ways of becoming less over-reactive and more in touch with their inner responses of body, emotions and mind.

Yvonne Gordon

Dec 2013

A brilliant online course, delivered in a professional yet personal way. It has given me plenty of strategies for how to become more mindful in my day to day life, and as always, practice makes perfect. I really do see this as the beginning of a journey and not a quick fix, but it's a journey that will always be interesting, and no doubt ultimately rewarding so long as I continue with it. I look forward to the mindful mindset becoming more second nature to me as I go from beginner to intermediate and beyond. Thanks to Ed and Tessa for getting me 'out of the blocks'.


Dec 2013

I cannot believe the difference that Be Mindful has made to my life. I am so much calmer and happier - my family has noticed the difference too. Thank you!


Dec 2013

The course has helped me to be kinder to myself. It has also helped me to stop and focus on something else (breathing) which I can do anywhere and which has helped me to become less stressed. Thank you.

Mel Hitchcocks

Dec 2013

I stumbled across this online course while studying for a professional qualification which, along with life's other day-to-day stresses, seemed to be adding to a mountain I was trying to scale daily. It felt as if I was looking up at an avalanche with rocks pouring down on top of me. I was struggling to hold everything together. While managing to do so just about in my work, at home I didn't want to wake up and continue with the 'effort' of living. This course has changed all that. I started off with a stress score of 31 and am now at 8. Since starting the course I've had some unusually stressful incidents happen and family and friends have commented on my 'unusual' response to these - taking them in my stride. This course isn't a panacea - it requires some effort to practise daily, without beating yourself up when sometimes it doesn't happen. But, when you get into the habit of daily practice, it's well worth it.

Kirsty Griffin

Dec 2013

Before commencing this course I felt stressed and depressed, and did not know how to pull myself out of feeling that way. Completing this course has given me a sense of hope, positivity and a practical means of helping myself. By following the exercises and using the sessions fully, I feel I now have the tools I need to reduce my levels of depression, reduce the daily stress of work, and start to feel and enjoy the positive parts of my life. I would recommend this course to anyone who feels they are pulled down by the daily grind, but wants to take back control!

Annette Johnson

Dec 2013

I did this course as I am a GP and had a taster of mindfulness on a postgraduate course. I felt that only by experiencing it for myself could I recommend it to others. I have found it inspirational and am now recommending it to many of my patients

Dr Janet Glencross

Nov 2013

Displaying 1401 - 1425 of 1580 Testimonials