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Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 1580 Testimonials

I have found the mindful on line experience very positive, however, it took a little bit of time to get into and some exercises were quite hard to focus on. It has made me take time to think about my posture and the importance of being aware of how the posture influences a persons breathing and sometimes visa versa. The pace of the course was very helpful in addition to starting each week again if I was unable to complete. It gave time for reflection on each process that was important and reminded me to be kind to myself. A very beneficial course to complete and will be useful in the future. This course is for everyone with a willingness to consider where they are now and how the course content may be able to help thier stress levels or general mindfullness in the future.

Heather Bodenham

Jul 2014

I found the on-line course very helpful and was amazed how much my well-being has improved. Thank you.


Jul 2014

Anthony Jinks

Jul 2014

Definitely worth doing. A valuable tool if you want to navigate life's stormy seas more successfully.

Michael Hayes

Jul 2014

A really helpful, gentle introduction to mindfulness which I believe has helped me start to make subtle but really significant changes in my life.

Diana Cadogan

Jun 2014

Shirley Jones

Jun 2014

The course has helped me develop strategies for coping with pain by encouraging activities which absorb my thinking. It has also helped me be more aware of the stressful situations that can increase pain together with a plan of how to diffuse them.

David Neal

Jun 2014

I have found the course most useful helping me pinpoint ideas I had heard about and giving me a simple form of meditation which I can bring to my yoga practice. The format is easy to follow and not at all intimidating for anyone not familiar with on line work.

Christine Koop

Jun 2014

It feels as if I've been given a very valuable tool kit. I took far longer than 4 weeks to do this course, but enjoyed it, and feel the difference in my confidence about dealing with very stressful situations. I'm no longer anxious about what the day might bring - and that is a tremendous leap forward. My circumstances haven't changed; my approach has, and will continue to do so. So thank you for this course :)

Sophie Ward

Jun 2014

Whilst the course was interesting I did not find it particularly successful with my back and neck pain issues. To be fair before I was involved in the car accident which resulted in my injuries and subsequent persistent pain issues I was well practised by way of yoga in meditation, breathing etc which is inclusive of mindfulness. I have also studied counselling. If anything I am more aware of my pain which can at times be overwhelming however I accept the pain is the result of the injury sustained. I was not stressed before the course. The course has enforced my existing practice of yoga and associated philosophies.

Janet Pascoe

Jun 2014

I found this course very helpful for helping me to deal with the stress of my job, which was reflected in my stress score at the end of the course. Thanks!


Jun 2014

Some brilliant activities that will help me in my everyday life whenever I am feeling stressed. It gives you skills that really can be used everyday and thus it is worth every penny! Thanks Be Mindful Online!

Jenny Costello

Jun 2014

Very enjoyable. I have learned a surprising amount about my stress levels and how to control them. I still feel stressed and anxious but can recognise when this starts to happen and feel more able to control my anxiety with techniques I have learnt on this course.

Laura Grime

Jun 2014

I chose to do the course during a time when I was returning to work after a fairly long period away. The course was really helpful during what could have been a really difficult period. The de-stressing techniques I picked up from the course were extremely helpful and I expect to continue using them.

Angie Doran

Jun 2014

I have found the mindfulness course really helpful in overcoming chronic pain, in helping me to focus my thoughts on the here and now, and pacing myself. I particularly found useful the analogy of visualising thoughts as trains at a station that you could choose to leave or board as a way of controlling the negative emotions and feelings surrounding pain. I will definitely continue to use the meditation exercises as a way of combating the negative pathways of pain.

Rosie McDonald

Jun 2014

Very well organized course: such a difficult thing made so easy!

Sujata Sethi

Jun 2014

My son did this course when he was recovering from a major cancer operation and he recommended it to me and let met hear a streaming exercise. As my anxiety level was high at the time and my eating habits had got out of control I was glad to try it out and it has helped a lot.

Una Kroll

Jun 2014

I found these practices quite silly as first but gradually came to see how beneficial they can be.

Alison Smith

Jun 2014

Really great course, well structured, bringing you into a deeper appreciation of the present moment. Glad I've taken it, to assist my mental health. I particularly like the 3-min breathing space: Acknowlege, Gather, Expand -- it works, just observe cats - they use the same technique. Thank you Ed and Tessa

Dave Lee

Jun 2014

When I first started this course my stress level was 34 and I have just redone the assessment as I have finished the course and I am now at 17! And nothing in my life has actually changed, the stresses are still there but the change has come from me. Can't believe it took me so long to give mindfulness a go, I kept thinking it was too simple to work and I tried everything else but there I was at rock bottom with just one thing I hadn't tried and I am so glad I did. Simply amazing!

Jo E

Jun 2014

This was a really useful way to undertake some mindfulness training when I wasn't able to access a group near where I lived. The course was well organised and practices were clearly described. The website was easy to use, and email prompts to log in for the next part of the course were timely and useful. Thank you.


Jun 2014

Richard Banyard

Jun 2014

A useful course which has raised my awareness of making time for me and using techniques in times of pressure.


May 2014

This is the second time I have completed this course, its a great online course, and fabulous value, in content and resources and the support to keep you going. this time I have changed a lot and incorporated being mindful practice into my daily routine. It has helped me to relax while being off work with a bad back and the relaxation and breathing has helped me to deal with pain and anxiety during this time. thank you

Joanna Cook

May 2014

I enjoyed the course and I feel it is tremendously important to me because I have had a life time's struggle with anxiety and depression. I can already see some improvement and as I continue forward with Mindfulness I am sure it will be a big asset for my good health.

Norman Tindall

May 2014

Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 1580 Testimonials